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Unleashing Influence: Most Motivational Sayings of the Current Year

Remarkable sayings from influential figures in business and civic sectors, whose entities are driving significant social transformations.

At the SXSW Event, Ryan Gellert, the Chief Executive Officer of Patagonia, participated.
At the SXSW Event, Ryan Gellert, the Chief Executive Officer of Patagonia, participated.

Empowering Change: The Most Motivating Quotes This Year

Unleashing Influence: Most Motivational Sayings of the Current Year

It's always a pleasure to converse with individuals who are actively making strides to improve our world. This year was no exception, and I'm excited to share some of the most inspiring conversations I had with social change pioneers this year.

Transforming our world isn't a walk in the park. These messages instill in me a sense of optimism and the motivation to persist despite resistance and inertia. I trust they'll inspire you as well.

Corporate Responsibility

"The primary function of a business is to generate profit while addressing pressing societal issues." Daryl Brewster, CEO of CEO of Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP)


“We’re about to witness a chance to innovate in the realm of corporate social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and diversification and inclusion. This is the first time we’ve truly been tested, causing us to reconsider our approach to issues that affect many people.” Muneer Panjwani, CEO of Engage for Good.


“As business leaders, it's essential to acknowledge that the climate crisis should not be trivialised into a marketing opportunity. So, how do we 'walk the talk' in business regarding societal issues and environmental accountability? By committing and taking a step forward.” Ryan Gellert, CEO of Patagonia.

Community Involvement

“One method I can contribute to positive change in our world is by establishing an opportunity for my teams at FirstService to serve our community.” D. Scott Patterson, CEO of FirstService.


“CEOs must consider how they can genuinely reflect their purpose, values, and resources in their actions, standing true to their identity in the world.” Sona Khosla, Chief Impact Officer at Benevity


“For businesses to receive widespread support for significant environmental, social, and political causes during a Trump administration, they must distance themselves from political dogmas and embrace tolerance in their already principled vision on the critical business and social issues of our era.” Devon Wright, CEO of Lumo.

Positive Impact

“Comprehend the distinction between merely minimising harm, and executing actions that promote the positive good. Therefore, my guidance to entrepreneurs would be to pursue the Holy Grail, strive for the North Star.” Vincent Stanley, Director Patagonia Philosophy at Patagonia.

Bold Decisions

“Given the current political climate, there's an increased need for businesses to curb their voices, yet it is during these moments that our voices matter most.” Dave Stever, CEO of Ben & Jerry’s

For additional motivation on social impact from these and other leaders, visit: Marketing for Social Impact: How to Attract Attention in 2025, Promoting Change Under Trump: A Guide for Business Leaders, The New Mandate for Business: Profit, Address Social Issues, Protecting Your Organization and People This Week, and Social Impact Leadership: How to Walk the Talk in 2025.

These thoughts will resonate with me come next year. I can't wait to collaborate with more leaders in 2025 and promote progressive social change in harmonious alignment with business success. I'd be thrilled to hear about your extraordinary efforts - big or small - making a difference.

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  1. The inspiring quotes and conversations with social change pioneers this year have provided an inspirational leadership within the community, encouraging businesses to take bold action towards innovation and addressing societal issues.
  2. The business community is filled with inspiring individuals who are leveraging their positions to make a positive impact, leading by example and instilling a sense of social responsibility in their actions.
  3. The inspiring leaders in the corporate world are fostering a sense of community involvement and authenticity, recognizing the importance of taking bold decisions that promote good and support social causes, even in the face of political resistance.
  4. The inspiring messages and leadership seen in the business world this year have served as a source of inspiration for many, proving that social innovation and good can drive positive change within communities and beyond.

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