Essential than sunscreen in importance. - In today's world, the significance of smartphones surpasses that of sunscreen for some individuals.
Germans are a travel-hungry lot, with over half of them hitting the roads and skies more than once a year, according to a recent study sponsored by American Express and conducted by Statista. The enthusiasm for traveling is particularly evident in residents of Saarland and Bremen, where an astounding 70% make more than one trip every year.
Europe's Playground
Where do these jet-setters want to go? Europe's got their hearts, with 41% opting for neighboring countries and Spain stepping up as the most-loved destination within the European Union. A considerable number, 29%, decide to stick close to home, while only 12% venture outside of Europe for their vacation.
Smartphone: The Travel Companion
Ah, the smartphone, the almighty tool for planning and enhancing every aspect of the journey. A hypothetical scenario in this study suggests just how vital it is: 77% of respondents would turn back on their journey, or hightail it right back to the airport, if they left their smartphone behind. The collective cringe is palpable as 13% admit they could tolerate a wait longer than 65 minutes for their forgotten device.
Once they've reached their destination, the smartphone busts out its many talents. It serves as the hero in capturing memories through photos and videos for 82% of travelers, from the young at heart (under 29) to the silver foxes (over 70) and everyone in between. Nearly two-thirds (60%) rely on their smartphone for navigation and orientation, while 23% even use it for making purchases during their holiday.
The Perfect Vacation: Dreams and Nightmares
Most Germans agree on the essential components of a dream vacation: a comfortable beach or pool holiday tops the list, with 60% in favor. Exploring local flora and fauna comes second, while having no appointments or time pressure is the ultimate relaxation goal for 64%. Distancing themselves from everyday life becomes even more appealing for 58%.
But even the most strategically planned vacations can be tainted by fears and uncertainties. Sudden illness tops the fear list for 39% of Germans, a reality backed by a study that unveiled "Leisure Sickness," with every fifth holidaymaker falling ill as soon as the fun begins. If illnesses were not enough, 44% worry about their luggage going missing, 41% doubt the comfort of their accommodations, and 40% shiver at the thought of flight or train delays or cancellations. Only 9% of holidaymakers from North Rhine-Westphalia remain undeterred by any vacation hazards.
European Union Concerns
Despite the love for traveling within Europe, there are concerns about the proportion of travelers who agree to pay increased fees for the European Union's security measures at airports. Surprisingly, a significant number of Germans from Bremen and other regions within the European Union show understanding towards this, indicating a collective agreement.
Bremen and Beyond
When discussing travel destinations, it's not just about neighboring countries; locals in Bremen might also suggest exploring lesser-known gems within Germany. With smartphones in hand, these tech-savvy travelers can easily navigate their way through the charming streets of Bremen, capturing memories and making purchases along the way.
Fear of the Unknown
The excitement of vacation planning sometimes gives way to anxiety, even among the most experienced travelers. Fears of flight or train delays, lost luggage, or unpleasant accommodations persist, with roughly 40% of Germans mentioning these as their nightmares. Despite these concerns, fewer than 10% from North Rhine-Westphalia remain unperturbed, demonstrating a resilient spirit in the face of travel challenges.