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Fulfilling a Lifelong Musical Aspiration with a Fresh Release, Milow

Milow fulfills his childhood ambition through the release of his latest album

- Fulfilling a Lifelong Musical Aspiration with a Fresh Release, Milow

For nearly two decades, Belgian singer-songwriter Milow has been crafting tunes. His musical journey has been a rollercoaster ride of experimentation and evolution. Now, he's revisiting his beginnings. As a teen, Milow (43) harbored aspirations of becoming a film director. At 18, he even attended film school. This cinematic ambition has now manifested in his latest album, "Boy Made Out Of Stars," featuring a music video for each of its 15 tracks - a teenage dream realized.

Speaking to Deutsche Presse-Agentur in Hamburg, Milow shared, "It's been a dream of mine to shoot numerous music videos back-to-back. It's my way of expressing how significant these new songs are to me and how much I believe in them."

In the past, only select tracks would garner music videos, leaving others in the lurch. This time, Milow stretched his budget to accommodate up to 15 videos, ensuring equal representation for all songs.

The videos, devoid of excessive effects, capture Milow strumming a guitar, frolicking under trees, in water, in the studio, on tour, with friends, and more. The result is a surprisingly entertaining and often humorous collection of clips that highlight the album's narrative.

Musically, Milow is Back to Basics

Milow's musical evolution has led him back to his initial inspirations. He confessed, "I had an overwhelming desire to return to my comfort zone. In the past, I felt compelled to explore unexplored territories. This time, I wanted an album with a live feel, recording it with my live band. I'm simply doing what I enjoy and excel at now."

The eighth studio album from Milow features the sound he once yearned for, enriched by 20 years of musical growth. "Back then, I wasn't prepared. Now, I can utilize my studio and songwriting experience to actualize this vision."

The Sound That Soothes

Milow has once again crafted melodies that soothe the soul. His music is a harmonious fusion of various instruments, seamlessly sliding into the ear. His compositions carry melodies and lyrics devoid of unnecessary frills, allowing the soul to momentarily find solace and dance occasionally. There are even goosebump-inducing moments, such as in "I've Been Expecting You."

In terms of subject matter, Milow encapsulates over two years of his life. He stated, "Half of this album is a love letter to L.A." Milow currently splits his time between America and Europe.

The most profound track for Milow is "Family Tree," which revolves around his late father and their shared love for music. "I believe my father would be absolutely ecstatic about my musical journey."

The enchanting world of Milow's "Boy Made Out Of Stars" merges traditional songwriting with contemporary visual storytelling, inviting listeners to embrace a more intimate and soulful soundscapes.

  1. Milow's latest album, "Boy Made Out Of Stars," released on February 21, features a music video for each of its 15 songs, showcasing his early aspirations of becoming a film director.
  2. In his interview with Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Milow highlighted the significance of his new album by stating, "I've always wanted to shoot numerous music videos back-to-back, and this album has given me the opportunity to do just that."
  3. The album, a testament to Milow's musical journey, contains songs that reflect his personal experiences, such as "Family Tree," which is a heartfelt tribute to his late father and their shared love for music.

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